3 Android Features That Will Never Make It To iOS

                    We often compare Android with iOS and each time Google and/or Apple announce a new version of their OS, fans of both take to the internet to debate who did it first, or who did it better. A lot of times, the two operating systems do indeed borrow or adapt popular features from the other but a lot of features, a lot of popular ones, often do not make the transition. That’s where you see a lot of variance between the two in terms of features. Both Google and Apple follow a certain philosophy when adding features to their respective mobile operating systems and there are just somethings neither will adopt (voluntarily or otherwise) from the other, Here are three very awesome Android features that are highly unlikely to make it to iOS.

Guest Accounts
                   Apple lets you add a single Apple account to multiple devices but that’s more for the sake of parental control than it is for allowing more than one person to use a single device.Granted you don’t normally share a phone but iOS runs on the iPad and like a family computer, it can be shared, However, it’s exceptionally unlikely to ever happen for one simple reason; sales. Allowing device sharing could actually impact sales of the iPad. The larger iPhone 6 is already cutting into iPad sales so imagine a world where an iPhone can replace an iPad, and it can be used by multiple people. It comes down to a selling strategy and device sharing doesn’t help Apple much.

Battery Management
                          The reason why Apple is very unlikely to introduce a battery monitoring feature like that in Android Lollipop has nothing to do with its sales strategy. It is more of a PR move; imagine a world where iOS users begin posting tons of screenshots of how poorly their device’s battery is performing. Battery life is something that Apple boasts about improving with each new device it introduces. Without just such an app, users already complain about battery life, and this is something that happens for all devices, not just Apple ones but if the company were to introduce an app that it cited as an accurate way to measure battery performance it would open the flood  gates for a lot of complaints and a lot of screenshots floating around on social media. Bad PR as we know from the iCloud hack and the #BendGate is really hard to manage.

Google Camera App
                 I’ve said it quite often; there is nothing quite like the Google Camera app. The iPhone may boast of a great camera and everything, the camera app itself has just gotten exposure adjustment but it still doesn’t match the blur effect in Google Camera. We had to go hunting for iOS apps that came any close to it and it was hard to find the free ones. Google Camera is free, and it helps take the best pictures. Why this isn’t coming to iOS is because Google isn’t going to give something that great to iOS. Apple might develop something like it, or close to it, or it may not. It’s on chance and Android users have it good.